
H3llo!! I am AStrayingThing! :3 I am r3ally random and I am a thing, so y3ah, chos3 that nam3 :3

H3llo again! I am AStrayingThing lik3 I said b3for3, I am a transf3m, d3mi girl :3 I am also a th3rian (fox)!! I am random/chaotic (b3caus3 who do3sn't like chaos?, chaos is the b3st), I lov3 natur3 (like mushrooms, moss, and stuff lik3 that), history, sci3nc3 (I3, mostly biology), and oth3r random stuff!! (you will hav3 to figur3 that out as you l3arn about me lol-) I also us3 "()" a lot wh3n I hav3 3xtra thoughts- I also us3 a typing quirk b3caus3 I lik3 it :3 (if you don't lik3, l3t me know, b3caus3 I will stop for you :3) oh and I hav3 ADHD, autism, anxi3ty, and dysl3xia- and I am a minor!! so y3ah-

My only DNI is if you harm p3opl3 with out th3r3 cons3nt- that's it- tbh- so y3ah-

so- I lik3 a lot of stuff- so this list will be long- sorry (I will try to br3ak it up- but still hav3 this button to go back-)


  • Min3craft

  • Roblox

  • Portal 1 and 2

  • Fallout N3w V3gas

  • Garry's Mod

  • Th3 Powd3r Toy

  • Sky Child3rn Of The Light

  • Your Only Mov3 Is HUSTL3

  • FNAF

  • Cult Of Th3 Lamb

  • Und3rtal3 and D3ltarun3


  • Gravity Falls

  • 3pic Th3 Musical

  • My Litt3 Pony

  • Loop smp (I n33d to catch up-)

  • Outsid3rs smp (need to rewatch-)

  • Invad3r Zim (will watch :3)

  • AvM (Animation vs Min3craft) and AvA (Animator vs Animation)


  • Umm- Fanfics-

  • Might try out Warrior Cats? it s33ms cool-


  • History, lik3 in g3n3ral (but mostly anci3nt history)

  • Spac3

  • Th3 SCP Foundation

  • Alt3rnat3 history

  • Maps, lik3 on pap3r

  • Conlangs

  • Alt fashion (i3, lik3 goth, 3mo, and stuff)

  • Monst3r 3n3rgy

  • Cr33pypasta